About the Arizona District Export Council
What do we do?
Executive Committee


Trade Policy & Legislative Affairs
The TPLA Committee supports education and advocacy related to state and federal trade/investment policies and legislation that enhances the competitive position of Arizona exporters or promotes foreign direct investment in Arizona. The TPLA also advocates for funding for the International Trade Administration and the U.S. Commercial Service to ensure their ability to support US exporters.
Thunderbird Subcommittee
The Thunderbird Subcommittee oversees the development of an enduring and mutually beneficial partnership with the Thunderbird School of International Management, including an internship program, the GCL program, the Export Certification Program, etc.
Development Committee
The Development Committee is responsible for:
- Securing donors & sponsors (including sponsors for AZDEC events)
- Development of programing that supports the Arizona District Export Council’s mission and generates revenue, including development of relationships with partner organizations that can jointly host activities
- Exploring opportunities to secure grants
Marketing & Communications
The marketing committee oversees all internal and external communications on behalf of the AZDEC, including
- Development of all media tools to get AZDEC members communicating and get deliver AZDEC content to the public and our customers (Website, YouTube, LinkedIn, X, etc);
- Develop new member onboarding programs; and
- Promotion of AZDEC events